leadership and office bearers

  • REV. Thomas Penman

    interim moderator

    Tom is a minister at Cumbernauld Free Church of Scotland. Since 1 November 2024, he has been serving as our interim moderator as we are seeking to fill our vacancy for a new minister. 



    Many years ago I was taught from the shorter catechism, "The only Redeemer of God's elect is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, being the eternal Son of God, became man, and so was and continues to be God and man in two distinct natures, and one person, for ever." These great truths sustain me yet.

  • Rowan robertson


    Rowan was born and bred in Coatbridge. He was born again in Coatbridge at the age of 19. 

  • Cameron MacIver

    Elder, CLERK to deacon's court

    Cameron was brought up in a Christian home and came to trust in Jesus as a young teenager. He believes being a Christian should shape every area of our lives, including how we do business and our care for the environment.  Like the others at the church, he often fails and needs forgiveness and a gentle reminder of how much he still has to learn.  

  • James Colquhoun


    I grew up in the rough housing estates of the east end of Glasgow. At the age of 28, I heard the wonderful news that my sins would be forgiven and I would be saved from the damnation of hell if I put my trust in Jesus. I became born again that very same night, saved by the amazing grace of God.

  • Alasdair walker


    I've been a Christian since my late teens. I'm reminded every day of my need for forgiveness and I'm so grateful for the gospel that tells us that God choses to forgive, however undeserved. It's a joy to worship and serve with others in church and it's my prayer that many more would experience the release of knowing they are forgiven through faith in Jesus.

  • james neilson


    Jim began his Christian journey back in 1950. A Bellshill man who has been with the congregation for a number of years. 

  • Alastair macaulay


    Al became a Christian in his teenage years largely through the influence of church camps. 

  • graham rusSell

    deacon, Community engagement coordinator

    Airdrie-born to godly parents to which I and my brother are eternally grateful. They showed that without the Lord you are lost and can only be found in Him. 

  • joseph fallon


    I came to Hope Church due to my son coming to the holiday club in 2014. A year later, in June 2015, I put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. I feel I am a work in progress as I struggle at times and fail but I know I can come to the Lord and ask for forgiveness.

  • chloé anderson

    community worker

    My aim is to point every young person towards the Lord Jesus through His redemptive work in my life.

  • barbara devoti

    sunday school SUPERINTENDENT

    Very blessed to have a lovely lively Sunday school where we aim to point to Jesus in every lesson.